URL Scanning vs. URL Analysis and Enrichment: What’s the Difference and Why it Matters.

Researching URLs in suspected phishing incidents is a costly and time-intensive process, according to a survey* of 300-plus security decision-makers. Nearly half of all survey respondents (47%) reported spending up…

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Next-Gen Protection Essential to Prevent Evolving Phishing Attacks

In early February, SlashNext debuted “Phish Stories,” a videocast and podcast series designed to educate cybersecurity professionals about the latest, most innovative phishing attacks challenging businesses today.     In each episode, cybersecurity experts discuss new zero-hour phishing attacks -- their latest strategies, attack vectors, and technologies used to…

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As Phishing Attacks Increase in Success, SlashNext Spear Phishing Detection Rates Highest Among Key Vendors

Cybercriminals are using automation and AI to increase the likelihood of compromising a target. What was once spray and pray bulk phishing attacks are now mass quantities of highly target…

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