Discovery, analysis and cybersecurity intelligence.

Phish Stories: Episode One, The State of Phishing in 2021
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SlashNext vs. Mimecast’s Email Security Targeted Threat Protection and Microsoft’s Exchange...
This video demonstrates the phishing efficacy comparison between SlashNext vs. Mimecast’s Email Security Targeted Threat Protection and Microsoft’s Exchange Online Pr…
SlashNext vs. Google’s Advanced Phishing & Malware Protection for Google Workspace
This video demonstrates the phishing efficacy comparison between SlashNext and Google’s Advanced Phishing and Malware Protection for Google Workspace by testing both soluti…
SlashNext vs. Microsoft Defender for Office 365
This video demonstrates the phishing efficacy comparison between SlashNext and Microsoft Defender for Office 365 by testing both solutions using malicious URLs.

Defending Against Zero-Hour Phishing Threats with AI Phishing Defense
Threat actors are going after the human attack surface with new kinds of phishing and social engineering techniques, tactics, and procedures.

10 on Tech – Prepare Yourself for Phishing 2.0
Phishing is evolving. The bad guys are getting better at tricking end users and getting their information, and they’re starting to use more sophisticated techniques, includ…

AI Leads the Trend in Technologies to Fill the Cybersecurity Skills Shortage
As the shortage of skilled cybersecurity professionals intersects with the change and sophistication of the threat landscape, AI and ML will be leveraged to fill the gaps, …

Cortex XSOAR and SlashNext Phishing IR Integration Guide
Cortex’s XSOAR platform can access SlashNext URL Analysis and Enrichment to get accurate verdicts and rich IoC data, including screen shots, to expedite phishing IR and thr…
SlashNext Mobile Phishing Protection for iOS
Anywhere zero-hour protection against the broadest range of phishing threats with lightweight, cloud-powered apps for iOS and Android devices that detects, blocks and alert…

Network Phishing Intelligence
Use live threat intelligence to turn existing network security controls into a real-time, multi-vector phishing defense.

Browser Phishing Protection
The industry’s strongest protection against zero-hour phishing threats with comprehensive protection across email, ads, social media, search, collaboration platforms, and m…

Mobile Phishing Protection Data Sheet
SlashNext Mobile Phishing Protection provides the industry’s strongest protection against zero-hour phishing threats with comprehensive protection across email, SMS, social…

Experience SlashNext Protection in Action
Request a free trial to see how SlashNext detects zero-hour threats in real-time and stop the attacks that impact your business.
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