Stop Email, SMS, Mobile & Web Messaging Attacks.

Real Time.

Detection up to 4X higher than Abnormal, Mimecast,
and Microsoft Defender (Tolly Group, 2024)

Advanced Email Threats Get Past Most Security5.4 threats/inbox/year get past leading vendors
$70k to $4.5mm cost per successful threat
SlashNext has a 99.99% detection rate

Fundamentally better tech

SlashNext AI provides a full 360º defense for email, SMS, mobile, and web messaging.  It predicts and stops BEC, QR-code, SMiShing, link, file, and other zero-hour, social engineering next-gen attacks.

We employ three main technologies. HumanAI is a set of advanced contextural/behavioral AI, relationship graphs, NLP, vision, and more. Unique ProactiveAI predicts future threats and proactively develops defenses. Industry-first Fusion integrates our datasets and defenses – perfect for next-gen, multi-mode, multi-stage attacks.


AI Threat Detections per Week

Next-Gen AI Leadership

SlashNext AI is purpose-built for each specific threat and currently identifies roughly 1,000,000+ attacks per week that first-gen AI technology would miss.

Superior Protection in 3rd Party Tests

There are many claims in the security space now.  We wanted to give our customers and prospects real data to help them make decisions and protect their enterprises.

Superior Protection in The Real World

Lab tests and third-party tests are important.  However, the most important factor is how well the solution works in the field.  With 99.99% detection rate and 1 in a million false positives in milliseconds, we just work.


Gartner Peer Reviews - Ranked Highest in Email Security

Industry-leading Email, SMS, Mobile & Messaging App Protection

Cloud Email Security for Microsoft 365

SlashNext’s Integrated Cloud Email Security provides a full defense-in-depth approach by supplementing Microsoft Defender with protection that is purpose-built to anticipate and stop the vast number of sophisticated zero-hour linked-based attacks, natural language-based attacks, malicious attachments and exploits that evade Microsoft Defender for Office 365.


SlashNext’s AI-powered platform combines natural language processing, computer vision, and machine learning with relationship graphs, generative AI and deep contextualization to thwart threats with a 99.99% detection rate, and the lowest false positive rate of 1-in-a-million.

Protection for SMS and Mobile Apps

Stop smishing and business text compromise with zero-hour protection against the broadest range of link-based and natural language threats in any mobile application. Available for business, BYOD and home devices.

With on-device machine learning, users will benefit from detection without giving up privacy. Centrally managed for enterprise users, with multiple deployment options, incidents written to CMS, and supports all device types.

Protection in Slack, Zoom, Teams, Gmail and Other Messaging Apps

Stop zero-hour link and exploit threats with our integrated browser extension in all communication apps, including email, ads, social media, search, collaboration platforms, and more.

By blocking malicious sites in real-time, SlashNext protects users from more zero-hour threats including those that evade multiple layers of enterprise defenses.

Featured Resources


The SlashNext Advanced Phishing and Messaging Threat Index

The threat landscape is changing rapidly.  SlashNext decided it was time to forgo annual reports and focus on monthly reports.  In addition, we are reporting only on advanced threats that make it past legacy and first-gen AI solutions.

Featured WEBINAR

How BEC Groups Exploit Generative AI to Launch Attacks and What’s Required to Stop Them

Learn how Generative AI can proactively anticipate potential BEC threats created using the same AI technology.

Featured White Paper

Microsoft 365 + Integrated Cloud Email Security

Due to the demands of the modern workforce, there has been an exponential shift in the use of native cloud email protection capabilities, like Microsoft 365, in the last 12 months. 

The Most Advanced Email+Messaging Security

Generative AI Detection Platform

  • Powerful parallel predictive modeling using Generative AI
  • Detects, predicts, and stops threats 48 hours before other solutions with efficacy gains superior to other leading solutions

Complete Multi-Channel Protection

Fast API-Based Architecture

Trusted By Global Enterprises

DXC Technology Replaces SEG Solution with SlashNext Cloud Email Security

Email Security Spam & Bulk Mail Summary

See SlashNext Complete™
in Action

Meet with a security expert for a demo and learn how to set up a personalized trial to see the threats entering your organization.