The SlashNext Advanced Phishing and Messaging Threat Index. Monthly

Stay on top of advanced email, BEC, phishing, and messaging threats. Advanced threats are those that make it through legacy and first-gen AI solutions.


The SlashNext Advanced Phishing and Messaging Threat Index

Overall index and detailed breakdown of advanced threats, including dollar impact. Analyzed and delivered monthly.

These reports are intended to be information-dense and narrative-short. Please excuse brevity – it is intentional. All numbers are advanced threats detected per 1,000 mailboxes/month. Advanced threats are those that get through legacy and first-gen AI email security systems.

We want to provide you with close to real-time information on advanced threats. If you have any feedback or concerns, or you’d like to schedule a free trial (10-minute setup) to see what may be getting through your current defenses, feel free to contact us at any time.